A Blanc NYE at Ritz Carlton South Beach

by Chris Rothenbecker

photo4Over the years, Miami has gained notoriety for their annual New Year celebrations. From extravagant dinner parties, to celebrity infused night clubs and pool parties; the champagne flows freely, as bright fireworks soar into the dark blue sky. This year, South Beach has taken that status to another level by being named ‘Most Expensive US Destination’ to ring in the new year, by Business Wire and Miami Herald.

photo3The amount of parties this year was extensive. Nearly all restaurants, hotels and private venues were preparing for weeks, with anticipation of guests arriving in their finest attire to celebrate a new beginning. With the thought of a fresh start in mind, Blanc was conceptualized. The opulent themed soirée was a combined effort by Creativas Group Public Relations and Branding, AMPM Presents, along with Tony Guerra/Citrus Miami. Blanc was held at the beautiful Ritz Carlton on historic Lincoln Road, in Miami Beach. As guests adorned their finest white attire; they were greeted by Marie Antoinette inspired hosts. Upon approaching the elaborate festivities, guests once again had a photo opportunity at the step and repeat with enticing futuristic goddesses. The venue was held under the twinkling stars at the exclusive lounge and pool area. Decorations were meticulously placed throughout the venue, with intricate details at every view. The theme was clean, concise and consistent of a new beginning, Miami style. The entertainment was also a spectacle for all to enjoy, enticing the senses and stimulating the mind.

As each minute grew closer to a new year, the party continued to grow with VIPs’ and distinguished guests. Attendees enjoyed a premium open bar while listening to the sounds of DJ Cassidy. The excitement was palpable as the final moments quickly approached. Counting down to midnight was both exciting and memorable. Everyone was genuinely happy and celebratory as the magical fireworks began to ignite into the dark midnight sky. The opulent evening of releasing 2013 and embracing 2014, continued late into the evening with a great ambiance of beautiful people celebrating. Guests danced the night away with hopes of a happy and healthy new year.