Holistic Health Influencer: @InspireAndAffect

Allie from Cali ?

Holistic Health while traveling year-round Body•Breath•Mind•Soul #movementismedicine “And, if you have a body, you are a dancer.” -Gabrielle Rothallisonfedor.wixsite.com/add-adventures

Meet Allie-Sun, your host and guide through all these adventures and the wonderful world we live in! Welcome! Hopefully my story will inspire you to live a life you’ve always dreamed of, and listen to your heart all the time! I promise you, there’s no other feeling or life like it!

Here’s a little of her history… In 2009, she studied abroad in Spain and was left with a desperate hunger for travel and an unquenchable thirst for culture. Allie knew before she’d even landed on Californian soil that she wanted to return to Spain, and that bouncing around in the world is where she belonged. But how would she ever make that happen?

After finishing her studies in 2011, she scored a couple contract jobs with the Disney/ABC Television Group in Southern California. And like so many before her, she moved to Los Angeles to pursue big dreams and try to make something of herself. So there she sat, in her cubicle, for 40+ hours a week, usually staring at pictures on Pintrest of places far, far away, doubting she’d ever make it to a coveted corner office. Every cell of her Being screamed to jump through the screen and end up wherever that was. She didn’t care where it was, she just knew her cube wasn’t the best she could do. Then God gave me her chance of a lifetime — the chance to go back!

So after a week full of tears and deliberation, she kissed the corporate world goodbye, as well as all she knew and loved, accepted a position as an English teacher, and moved to Southern Spain in January 2013! And where she’d once moved before in order to pursue a life she thought she should be living, this time she moved to follow her dreams and finally honor everything she felt inside.

Allie since returned to the United States, taken some other adventures to new places (like Costa Rica to complete a yoga teacher training!), and embarked on a journey of finding balance. Plus, she finally figured out what she want to do with her life and had some amazing visions about her future I’m now eager to pursue! Currently, Allie is working with a company that does sales all over the country, and have been blessed with some new stateside adventures through it! Though her big dream still remains to teach yoga, dance, meditation, health, healing, and wellness around the world, and ultimately, have her own wellness centers later in life.

For now, she is working on living her practicing, learning what she can and need to know, and also trying to maintain her sense of true self, whilst navigating a heavily consumer-influenced world. It’s a hard path, but she knows it’s meant to make her stronger, and is teaching her many valuable lessons.  Join her as she travels around, with hopes of learning and growing daily, inspiring and helping others, and satiating her soul!

Follow her on Instagram! @inspireandaffect