by Kevin Campbell

Ari Hoffman, Trey Speegle, & Carlo Tunioli

Global fashion brand United Colors of Benetton partnered with artist Trey Speegle to host an in-store fashion and art event during Miami Art Basel 2013. The Benetton Group, known for its colorful, eco-friendly collections and strong Italian character invited guests for an interactive night of artistic collaboration. With the company of Trey Speegle, guests had the opportunity to craft their own creations using paint-by-number paper stencils and colorful markers. Not only did Speegle showcase his talent, but his work also made an appearance as the Art Conductor Dinner Club provided delightful hord’oeuvres presented on custom “trays by Trey”. Mexican-inspired bites like citrus ceviche made this kaleidoscopic evening both aesthetically pleasing to the eye and to the taste buds. Hosts from Art Conductor, Marclea Novella and Tara Sokolov Benmelah were present, accompanied by signature margaritas and sparkling waters to wash the tasty appetizers down. Chef Andres Barrientos, owner of Miami Smokers, was also in the building preparing his delicious smoked tamale which paired nicely with the cocktails.

Ari Hoffman, Tara Benmeleh, Trey Speegle, & Marcela NovelaBenetton Group’s core business is fashion apparel. With quality and passion evident in its brands: United Color of Benetton, Under Colors of Benetton, Sisley, and Playlife, its network of more than 6,500 stores globally is a testament to its prominence in the fashion community around the world.

As guest nibbled on the enticing hor d’oeuvres they had the opportunity to browse Benetton’s 2014 Spring Collection on the shop’s floor. Speegle styled live models to look like “artist’s assistants” in the playful spring collection, and had his signature paint-by-numbers series scrawled across limbs, necks, and foreheads as they worked with Trey to engage the guests.

An evening filled with delicious hor d’oeuvres and Trey Speegle in a venue as stylish and colorful as Benetton South Beach proved to be an expressive night indeed; a rare, unforgettable experience for anyone that appreciates true art.



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Photo credit: World RedEye