Melissa is a serial entrepreneur and an Audacious Founder. She has founded or co-founded more than 10 businesses in the last 8 years. Melissa offers keynotes, workshops group, and 1-1 coaching to ensure people are building their lives and businesses from a foundation of authenticity and abundance. Unlike other coaches, Melissa has personal experience starting and running businesses in various industries and has a deep understanding of the journey of a business owner. Additionally, she is a single mother who has had to overcome complex challenges in her life. She has completed years of study in the personal expansion sector and is an ICF – accredited Coach.
Melissa is a powerhouse who will get you motivated to align your life or business in a way that will maximize its potential and before your very eyes you’ll begin to transform your life into something more unbelievable than you thought possible. Stop being scared of success. You’ve got the solution right here.
At The Citrine Agency, they believe that any business can achieve success if the right foundation is built and the right tools are implemented. Sometimes, business owners convince themselves they must do everything on their own in order to save resulting in insufficient marketing, inadequate investment in talented staff, necessary equipment or many other growth-limiting circumstances. Sometimes, all it takes is a slight shift in strategy to open up new doors, create grand opportunities, and expand to a level that previously seemed impossible.
Citrine agency has been building businesses for the last 10 years. They have guided new business owners to a place where they can successfully support themselves and their family on nothing but the profit of their own enterprise and then we took them farther. They have had the privilege of introducing new ideas and strategies to established businesses which resulted in significant growth in their stagnant revenue streams. They have purchased businesses from owners who felt they could not continue and created unimaginable value and growth out of what seemed at one point, hopeless. They have supported business owners through difficult transitions and coached them through onto a new plane of possibility for the lives of them and the entity they have built.
The Citrine Agency, they have the insight and the experience to take your vision to the next stage of development and beyond. They believe that success requires a team and a bag full of resources. They want to provide clients with their resources. Follow them on Instagram:
Coaching vs. Therapy
THERAPY is the attempted remediation of a health problem, usually following a diagnosis. A therapist is defined as someone who specializes in the science and study of the mind and behavior. Therapy tends to focus on the past, citing traumas and specific experiences as explanations for how the client lives their life in the present. Sometimes it is the process of healing a disorder or simply increasing the clients’ awareness of the unconscious motivations and historical reasons explaining their patterns. The language used in psychotherapy, such as “mental disorders” is something that deters people from investigating the advantages of it. A fault of our society, that exploring our inner workings and subconscious patterns would be seen as something to be embarrassed of.
We have been led to believe that certain normal human emotions are “disorders” with no treatment aside from ongoing medication. This results in half the human race feeling too ashamed to express the dissatisfaction they feel in life for fear of being diagnosed. Thus, they self-thwart any efforts at creating their best possible life. So often people suffer from sadness because they are not living up to their own expectations. They might be living a life lacking purpose or meaning. That would cause anyone to be depressed. This is precisely the point at which coaching takes over.
COACHING is a profession that is profoundly different from therapy, consulting, mentoring, advising, or counseling. The coaching process addresses specific personal and business projects, general conditions and/or transitions in the client’s personal or professional life by giving the client the space to examine what is going on, discover what their obstacles or challenges might be, and create a course of action to change it for the better.
“Gremlins,” also known as limiting beliefs or externally induced habit systems, tend to subconsciously run our lives. Specific techniques are used that allow the client to gain awareness and clarity around these beliefs and habits so that they can regain control over their lives and lead it in the desired direction. Results are measurable and acknowledged throughout the coaching process. The focus is future based. While sometimes, coaching may lead a client to explore therapy, its solutions are based not on analyzing and healing the past but on moving forward with logical and practical steps.