Michael Harney Talks ‘Orange Is The New Black’ Season Two

Michael Harney is no stranger to successful TV shows and films. Erin Brockovich, Ocean’s Thirteen, NYPD Blue, Criminal MindWeeds, True Detective, just to name a few. His role as Sam Healy on Netflix popular Orange Is The New Black is all the buzz.

Netflix premiered season two of original series Orange Is the New Black on Friday, June 6, 2014.

We spoke last week about his career and his hit show.

L’Etage: You have a very successful career as an actor. What do you attribute that to?

MH:  I’ve worked extremely hard and I’ve been lucky. Also, grace has picked me up when I got knocked down.

L’Etage: Everybody is talking about your hit show, Orange Is The New Black. Why do you believe it is so popular?

MH: The show is really for everyone. It exposes us to ourselves through humor and pathos. It reminds us that we all have clay feet. I also think that many of us viewing feel imprisoned in our lives on some level so that’s a draw.  The fact that the writing is first rate doesn’t hurt either.

???????????????????L’Etage: Who is Sam Healy?

MH: Sam is a paradox like all of us. He’s trying to channel the chaos of his life through life affirming choices; create some understanding and compassion out of personal tragedy and loss.

L’Etage: What is the message of the show?

MH: The messages of the show are many. One is to be compassionate to each other because we’re all struggling. We all are carrying a cross. No one’s better than anyone else.

L’Etage:  What can expect from this season?

MH: It is a really wonderful season. You’ll feel like you’re riding a huge wave.

L’Etage: What do you have to say those not watching?

MH: Watch already!

L’Etage: Does this series have one particular unusual storyline that you have been a part of to date?

MH: No, it’s a world. The world of prison. The world of rights, freedom, power, oppression, abuse, illness, death and love. It is being explored compassionately, respectfully, humorously and thoroughly by our team. I am grateful to be working on a real piece of Art.

You can stay in touch with Michael by following him on Twitter: https://twitter.com/MichaelHarney4

Watch the trailer

Photo Credit: Bryony Shearmur and Brett Erickson