Where Fashion Meets Art: @Daniel_chimowitz_fashion_art


 Daniel the first is modern day cave painter using fabric and canvas as a way of communication. With a message of love and color therapy. Love profit chimowitz.com

Art Nevow is your source for Fashion and Art from contributors around the World. They want to push the norms and provide insights on norms that you may not have access to.

“Nevow” is a play on words, as it is intended to be pronounced like the French nouveau. Art Nouveau is defined as literally “New Art” but defines a period where fine art and nature are designed in utilitarian objects in architecture and household objects. “Nevow” is “woven” backwards, as Daniel believes that art can be worn as paintings on the fabrics we wear, woven in to a person’s style. He have a passion for fashion but also fine art, street art, jewelry, furniture, and much more.