Jarrod Greene Relaunches Pass The Roc Apparel

by Fago Franklin

Jarrod Greene

As the chapter of one of the greatest point guards to come out of New York has closed, another door with fashion has open up for NBA player Kenny Anderson and Ceo and founder of Pass The Roc Jarrod Greene. Together they have been the perfect dynamic duo with the Pass The Roc brand.

Greene has made a relaunch with his clothing line, despite some obstacles that were in his way when he had first debuted in 2003. He is very excited for and has not forgotten the foundation in which he has been branding his company.

Jarrod Greene2His inspiration and drive has come from his parents. “I have such an entrepreneurial spirit about myself because my parents were very instrumental in teaching me how to work when I was 9 years old,” said Greene.

Greene expresses the pros and cons with being in the apparel business. “Marketing is always a progressive state of mind. You cannot rush things together or be hasty with marketing your brand. You have to understand that obstacles as well as ultimate failure is possible. You just need to maintain a positive mindset and aspire to be great and focus on what you are doing and why you are doing it. The difficult and challenging part is funding, but in this business you have to constantly find creative ways to market yourself, says Greene.”

“I could have just walked away from my dream, but through perseverance, I know that this is just the beginning of a bigger dream”.

Right now Greene is focusing more on his clothing line, television show, as well as getting physically fit. “I have to look the part physically, if I want people to believe in me and my brand, says Greene.” His workouts consists of eating healthier, maintaining a good healthy diet, and having a positive mindset.

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Greene wants to give back to his community and that is very vital in his morals and goals; “There are celebrities who came out of Jersey City, such as actors, rappers and athletes, who are not coming back from where they came from and doing something for the people of Jersey City, NJ. No matter how big I may become, I will never be that type of person where will I not give back to the community from where I got my start. “

In the upcoming month of April there will be a launch and press conference with Jarrod Greene and now basketball correspondent Kenny Anderson, for their new basketball show call PASS THE ROC TV, which will feature basketball topics, news, events, mini-documentaries, and life lessons with everyone from the high school level to the NBA. For more information, go to PASSTHEROC1891.COM or call 1.888.508.1891

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