Ms.Playwright Andrea: Faith Goes a Long Way

The term faith is knowledge of what we believe in. Faith helps people hurdle over obstacles that are in there way. Ms. Playwright Andrea is an example of a woman faith. She has wrote scripts for plays, author of her book This Thing Called Life, and has impacted so many differently lives with her testimony. Andrea has always had a passion for writing plays since she was very little. She felt that writing plays could take her to a higher level with impacted individuals.

“My gut instinct was always telling me to keep writing and networking with individuals. I am always looking at the positive aspect about an opportunity, but in life you will have some ups and downs. It is up to you to overcome certain things that you are going through.”

“I have had so many people that rejected my ideas, because they didn’t think I had enough experience or they plainly didn’t even read the scripts that I had wrote. I had to overcome those obstacles by walking in faith. Faith has kept my vision enlighten, because there are times when I felt that everything was against me, but when I literally gave everything up to God he showed me doors that opened up the start to my success.”

Andrea is very versatile with scheduling plays, writing scripts, and helping her community. “I believe that we should give back to our community, because this is the place that we reside in. I like to show people that you can make it out here by being a positive person. I do not need media or the limelight to showcase the goodness I have for my community. That is not who I am. I am a person that likes to help others out, because someone had took the time to help me when I needed guidance in this field.  I understand that it is hard out here, but I want individuals to know that I am here no matter what. Money or the fame does not hold any value in my heart.”

Andrea is expanding her brand to a future reality show that she is putting the final touches on. ” I am very excited and thrill to showcase the goodness of a positive aspect on the television. It has been a very up and down roller coaster, but I remained in Faith. I know with Faith I will be granted with every blessing God will grant me with.”

Here are some encouraging words from Andrea; “Walk in Faith, be good in Faith, and never let negativity get you down. You have to understand the process of patience. It is a time to grow within yourself or your occupation. Being hasty will only allow you to miss some steps in which you might miss your blessings. Faith to me is walking within a positive light.”_FQP6609 (1)