One-On-One With Mariale

With nearly three million followers on social media and obtaining major collaborations with elite beauty brands such as Maybelline, CoverGirl, MAC Cosmetics, and Pantene, just to name a few, it is needless to say that Mariale Marrero is taking the beauty world by storm. The native Venezuelan first sought YouTube as a way to connect with other like-minded individuals and represent Latinas in the beauty spectrum of social media, yet her initial intentions have drastically evolved since 2010. Not only has she become one of the leading beauty gurus, but Mariale has also developed into a lifestyle brand that encourages women to live their lives to the fullest, and most importantly – love themselves. Through her easy step-by-step makeup tutorials, fashion tips, DIY projects, and motivational messages as well as Beauty Spa for those who are interested in them, it is difficult not to fall in love with Mariale’s approachable demeanor as well as inspiring personality.

By Mariale letting us in on her personal self-confidence boosters and impressive career journey, it is easy to see why she has become an Internet sensation.

Many people know you as this incredible makeup guru, but many don’t know that makeup wasn’t your initial career path. You have a degree in biology. There’s no doubt you have an amazing talent for makeup, when did you first realize it and what motivated you to pursue makeup rather than continuing in biology?

“Makeup has always been a passion for me. The funny thing is that I wasn’t allowed to wear any until I turned 15, my parents were very strict. So after my 15th birthday I was really able to play with makeup and completely fell in love. When I started YouTube I didn’t know this could turn into a career, I was still in school for biology, but by the time I graduated I was doing so well on YouTube and having so much fun I didn’t want to stop.”

What particular aspect of YouTube intrigued you to begin filming videos and specifically tutorials?

“I always thought we needed more Latin girls on YouTube, especially years ago when I started making videos. I started creating content because I thought this way I could meet similar people with similar interests and create an amazing community.”

Based on your Instagram account, I see you have had the opportunity to travel to many countries. Are there any unique beauty trends that you have discovered by visiting new cultures, and if so which one has inspired you the most?

“I love traveling and I think you can learn so much from visiting different countries. I think the beauty trend that got me the most was when we visited Qatar, every girl had the most incredible brows I had ever seen. I mean, Instagram worthy brows, everywhere you looked! Ever since I’ve been trying to get my brows to look like that, but I guess I’m not so blessed.”

Seeing how much you love fashion is there a specific designer or fashion icon that has influenced your sense of style?

“I think I find inspiration and am influenced by everyone and everything. It can be a picture I see online or just another girl walking down the street.”

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Since you are a beauty guru and have been given the opportunity to work with major beauty brands, what would you consider being your Holy Grail beauty product and why?

“That’s a difficult question. I love so many beauty products! But if I have to pick one I will go with the tinted sunscreen by Shiseido. I’m very careful about my skin, so I wear this everyday and I love that it doesn’t make my face look white, but rather, it covers up any imperfections.”

Latinas are known for their timeless beauty and exuding self-confidence, do you have a personal beauty trend from your native country that help you convey these characteristics?

“Wow, thank you! In Venezuela we are obsessed with beauty, you can walk into a beauty salon and see three-year olds getting blow outs, manis and pedis. That’s just the way we grow up. I think more than beauty trends, Venezuela has given me a certain attitude and a way to approach life that just makes you feel and look beautiful.”

A quality that makes your videos relatable is your ability to create easy to follow makeup tutorials, what is one makeup technique you believe women should know and apply?

“I think the number one thing you need to know in make up is blending. It doesn’t matter what product you are using, you need to blend it like it’s a part of you, harsh lines are really a make up killer!”

You recently posted a video discussing how you obtain your bikini body, what lifestyle change do you believe has improved your health and physique the most?

“I think the very first thing that needs to change is your mind. If you feel motivated to make a change, then you will. I never really wanted to look like a model or anything, I just wanted to feel comfortable in my own skin so small changes were the way to go for me. First, I would change soda for water, then try to opt out of dessert, it’s the little things that can really add up.”

Makeup has the power of giving women that extra boost of self-assurance; do you have a certain makeup look that you feel gives you that extra boost of confidence?

“Absolutely! I love a very natural look but with just a touch of color on the cheeks and very big lashes. For me, lashes are a strong part of my face, so what I suggest is to make the part you like the most about you, stand out.”

With the platform that you have achieved through your YouTube channel, where do you see your brand in ten years time?

“That’s too difficult to predict. I could never have imagined we would be here now so it’s really impossible for me to say. I just know that while people are still watching, I will continue to create content, it’s what I love to do!”

Don’t be surprised when you start seeing more of Mariale, she is one of the top Latina beauty YouTubers and is highly sought after by beauty brands. “I’m really looking forward to bright colors, just a pop of bright liner on the eyes looks so great,” says Mariale, as she fondly expresses her hopes for next season’s beauty and fashion trends. Mariale shares the most rewarding part of her YouTube experience saying, “Definitely all the amazing people I have gotten to meet along the way, I don’t know what life would be like without them!”