Statefiftyone: A Uniquely Fashionable Clothing Line

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Everybody has a great niche that they need to find in order to be unique in there profession or in life in general; Statefiftyone’s creator Sean Collins exemplified his brand by creating a clothing line that is formed by photos that he or his company has captured and put it on a shirt. The images that were shoot by camera and displayed on the shirts were mind bottling. “My company is different from others, because we use photos from different events or moments, thus creating an audience that is intrigued by the moments that are displayed on the shirt.”

The company is based in Boston, but has been getting a lot of exposure from different state and cities that are intrigued by the popular shirts. “I am excited for the progress within this company and the people that are buying our product. It is a lot of hard work and people I have to converse with daily with making this organization expand. Being the entrepreneur for this company is difficult at times, but I really enjoy the process of the work and effort that has been put in place in order to become a world wide company.”

The clothing line Statefiftyone was named that because it represents “a creative state of mind.”

Sean is always consistently working on his craft and he does not really take any days off. “This is a craft and something I enjoy! In order to be a successful entrepreneur, company, or person in general you have to consistently work at it no matter how hard the journey is or will become. Failure will approach you, but failure will give you the strength to keep fighting or being motivated for success. Yes, Statefiftyone has hit some corners in the past, but do you think I will let my passion and love for the company go down the drain. You have to be willing to brush yourself off the floor when obstacles are thrown at you and just be patient. The saying goes, “It is not the fastest person who will win the race, but the person who will learn and be patient with making things run it’s course. I am just thankful for the people who support me and what I do.”

Sean has this message for everybody in general, “Do what you feel and love! Never let anybody or anyone take that away from you! Go out there and strive toward your goals!”


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