Nick Troutman: The Man Riding Out The Waves

Nick Troutman is known for his Kayaking dominance, but what others do not know is his background ripples that made him enjoy the waves of his success. Success is built upon hard work, dedication, failure, and obstacles that will be placed in front of you at certain periods in your life; Nick has been through it all and has overcame a lot of negative obstacles or experiences that kept him humble.

“I have had tons of experiences that have made me the person I am today, though there are a couple good and bad ones that for sure have had a lasting memory. I was on an expedition in Mexico running some first descent rivers and waterfalls, when I swam out of my kayak and into a cave. I wasn’t sure if there was a way out and it was pretty sketchy,  even though I never gave up or ever thought for a second that death was an option, I made some crazy rock climbing moves to get out and made it to shore. After I made it to the shore I immediately burst into tears and learnt a good lesson of not given up that day.”

Nick has been in this sport since he was 13 and after that he has been passionate about it; “I had gotten into Kayaking was I was 13. I free up around the river, but never really new much about kayaking. This was back when the X-games were super popular and I was into skiing, snowboarding, skateboarding, and all sorts of ‘extreme sports. I gave kayaking a shot when my friend asked if I wanted to try it with him. I found out about freestyle kayaking, and how the sport was different then what I had imagined (long old school pointy boats running the river). It was like stumbling upon skiing and realizing Whistler is in your back yard. I was instantly hooked on the sport and I haven’t stopped since.”nick

Nick has had some great role models and people who influenced him to keep going with this sport, even when dark trials were upon him;“I have had several great teachers, coaches and role models. Though my biggest would be the 4-time World Champion, Eric Jackson. He took me under his wing and taught me a lot about the sport, competing, and life style. I am lucky  now to be able to call him my Father-in-Law and he continues to teach me within kayaking and outside of kayaking.”

Even though tough times does arrive in Everyone’s life Nick has been able to keep his spirits high with one simple quote, “Try Harder.” The simplicity within this small message has a lasting effect. If you want something bad, you will stop at nothing to achieve it.

Nick’s resume is filled with some heavy hitting accomplishments, but in his mind his biggest accomplishment was living his dream to the fullest.  I am proud on several things I have done over the years such as winning the World Championships, completing some first descents, and etc. Though, probably my biggest accomplishment is actually the fact that I have been able to live this live style and make kayaking a career of sorts. The fact that I am able to wake up everyday and go kayaking is my biggest accomplishment. For those people that have said dreams do not happen, they will if you have faith in yourself and never give up on it.”nickkk