A_Front Row Seat With Style Expert Louise Roe

Writer and editor, TV host, makeover guru, social media star – Louise Roe is known as a fashion insider, but she’s much more than just trends. Her book, Front Roe: How to Be the Leading Lady in Your Own Life, is filled with essential tips on how to cultivate a personal style, culled from Roe’s experience on the red carpet, backstage at fashion shows and in more than a few women’s closets.

Beauty for a Purpose caught up with Roe (in between her travels to London, Los Angeles, NYC and Bali!) to talk on- and off-camera confidence.

You’ve been such a self-starter in your career. Where does your motivation stem from?

I’ve always been very ambitious, ever since I was a kid. My dad is definitely my career inspiration; he is an entrepreneur and his mantra is, do what you love and see if you can make it into a career. For him, that’s travel and sports. For me, it’s travel, fashion and beauty. I think getting up and enjoying what you do is definitely the most motivating thing.

What would you define as your ‘big break’?

Hosting a fashion-focused reality competition was definitely a very exciting moment for me. It was a big TV show, so it was about bringing new talent into the spotlight and getting to give out advice on design and fashion. Also, publishing a book was a long-term ambition to fill. Self publishing seems to be a popular route for many, although there are a lot of options in terms of getting a book published. It was very exciting to hold the first copy in my hands. I definitely did some squealing. I remember unwrapping it and flipping out a little bit.

Personal branding is a hot topic, and something you’ve mastered. One word: how?

It’s a gut feeling. For me, it just happened quite organically. I work with people, designers and brands that I genuinely like, and that’s very important to me. I really love giving out advice and the interaction I have with followers, whether that’s on a TV show doing a makeover, answering questions on a Twitter Q&A, or just commenting on Instagram.

What role do fashion and beauty play in empowering women?

Now more than ever, the amount of images and messages and social media is just so prolific. Anyone can find something that is inspiring to them. For example, my friend is this cute petite curvy girl with dark hair. She said when she was little, there were no role models in any magazine that looked like her. Now, there are so many amazing women out there with different skin complexions and body types. That’s very empowering.

You always look so poised on camera. How can we steal that confidence?

There are things you can learn that help you look more confident, and eventually that real confidence will come with it as well. Yes, you can wear that fab outfit, but you also need the posture and that great smile and being able to walk into a room with your head held high to go along with it. It’s also finding the beauty routine that works for you, and really paying attention to your health. I have to fit in a smoothie and juice somewhere in the day, and drink that extra bottle of water.

We hear you’re a fan of ANEW Power Serum. What got you hooked?

I’m 33, and I think until you hit 30 you don’t really think about whether your skin will age. I just spent six weeks in Indonesia where I was very aware of the sun and the damage it can do. It became apparent to me that I want to look after my skin in a bigger way. Serums are my new best friend. In the morning I’ll put it on, and then I’ll put on my SPF or primer. It’s having that first layer that sinks in and you know that you’re hydrating your skin, and you’re also helping with the appearance of lines, wrinkles and radiance. It’s just a no-brainer addition to my routine. And I take it on planes! Last night I flew from Singapore to London, and I did two separate applications.

Your book, Front Roe, has a chapter entitled “How to Be Kind to Yourself.” Why is this so important for women?

I started writing notes for my book seven years ago, and I really did put in every tip and trick that I have learned behind the scenes at Fashion Week or doing interviews. The chapter, “How to Be Kind to Yourself,” was the most significant, from-the-heart bit. I wanted to address the inner aspect of us as women as a whole. The more I travel, the more I realize that every girl is exactly the same – we all have confidence issues, and we don’t treat ourselves as well as we might treat our sister or friend. And we’re the first to put pressure on ourselves to achieve and to look better. That’s the most poignant piece, which is to give yourself a break. Especially when you work for yourself, you’re in charge of your own hours so if you’re not careful you can get really addicted to work. There are times when you just have turn off the phone, put the laptop away and go out for dinner and enjoy yourself. That also relates to fashion – have fun with it, experiment with it, and if you make a mistake, so what?