David Beckham launches MLS team in Miami

(Eric Espada/Getty Images)

Miami, FL- David Beckham is putting together a major league soccer team down in the heart of  Miami. Beckham has been planning this league for a couple of years since he has retired as a player and wanted to start up his own league in Miami after he fell in love with the city.


“I am excited to bring this great team to this great city; It has been one hell of a journey,” said Beckham.


Beckham will become the first former MLS player to own a team in the league and that is something special that he felt like he wanted to do after his reign was over as a player. “I think the fact that it has taken this long, the fact that it’s taken four years actually has worked as a positive. “I’ve always believed in the project. That’s why, for me, I never gave up. I knew Miami was the city. I knew this was going to be special.”


This decision was four years in the making and it was some dysfunctional disputes on the location and where will the stadium be built. After three failed attempts and many headaches that went along with building this foundation, Beckham was optimistic and today he can say that he defined and conquered the odds.


The biggest hurdle, it seems, has now been cleared.”Welcome, Miami,” MLS commissioner Don Garber said.  “Hola, Miami,” Beckham said, a nod to the multicultural makeup of the city.


The stadium will fit 25,000 people, but first investors want to see how it will do locally before going nationally. Beckham is very optimistic about the fan base in Miami and is excited for the journey ahead.


“The viewers, the fans, they love this game, and they’ll come,” Beckham said.

Despite everything that Beckham had to sacrifice in order to make it happen, his dream is starting to take shape and I starting to mold into his reality.