Scarlett De La Torre: Influencer Raising Funds for Music Therapy for Refugees

Scarlett De La Torre ?????

? Musician ? DJ / Producer ?Traveler ??Surfer ?Alternative Health Activist ?Humanitarian

Scarlett de la Torre is a multi-faceted global nomad, DJ, musician, performer, travel influencer, and tastemaker of fashion. Being half-Filipina, half-German-American, her journey began with her birth on the beautifully multicultural island of Hong Kong, from where she has catapulted into over 50 countries to share her talent and light with the world. Her instagram is a thing of beauty! She has so many instagram followers too! I’d love to have a fraction of the amount that she has, so I may have to use an instagram bot to help me.

Through her formula of raising funds through brand collaborations and crowdfunding, on-site volunteering, and writing CSR programs for five star resorts to enrich local communities, Scarlett’s ongoing pledge to raise funds to provide instruments and music lessons to marginalized people is a cause close to her heart. Her most recent missions were for trafficking survivors at New Light, Kolkata; and for Syrian Refugees at Elpida Home in Thessaloniki.

URGENT** call to my networks- holy crap, I'm leaving to Greece soon to volunteer at Elpida Home, to donate instruments and teach music to refugees and I'm only at 10% of our target. Click link in Bio to read about my mission and to donate to this musical relief effort. These videos are from my last mission for trafficking survivors at @newlightkolkata with @beautyforfreedom – where I raised funds (thank you, supporters!) and donated instruments to the shelter and then stayed for 3 weeks teaching these wonderful lights how to use their instruments. These videos are from lessons at the Boys Home- when people think human trafficking, they usually think of women. Boys are a target not only for the sex trade, but for the forced labor trade and the organ trade. New Light shelter provides refuge for survivors of trafficking and youth who are at risk of being trafficked in the new light district. These boys are given a place to sleep, structure, education, and the tools to make a good life for themselves away from the sex and slave trade. I miss these beautiful young men so much. They had never heard of QUEEN! I quickly fixed that!! When I heard them banging on the walls and singing "we will rock you", I knew that my purpose in Kolkata had been served. I have made it my life's mission to bring music to marginalized people of society, those in turmoil, and those who are suffering – with the intention of giving them a channel to TRANSMUTE. Please support my next mission for refugees ✨?

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Extensive global travels combined with a passion for culture, music, adventure, and well-being, has led Scarlett to expand into the realm of Travel Influencer. Supported by a highly-engaged social media following, She is social media consultant and content creator for surf shacks and five star luxury resorts alike. Her travel photos have been featured to millions of followers by Beautiful Destinations’ Beautiful Hotels, and she is a contributor to travel publications such as A Hotel Life.

So I'm raising funds to donate musical instruments and teach music to refugees at a refugee camp called Elpida Home. This video is from my last mission in Kolkata to work with survivors of human trafficking, their children, and at-risk-youth in the red light district of khaligat. We donated instruments and stayed on site to teach music, art, meditation, and just spend time with the kids in pure love and service. @newlightkolkata takes in girls and boys and provides them with shelter, food, education and life skills to pave the way for a brighter future far away from the sex and forced labor trade. It was so wonderful to teach music fundamentals to these bright lights to give them the tools to transmute their experiences into their own works of music. The work in these shelters resonated so much and I'm so stoked about applying the same formula in a refugee camp in Greece for refugees of the war in Syria. Music heals, music transmutes, kindness is all that matters. If you'd like to contribute to this cause please click the link in Bio. Every bit helps!! The lyrics for this song resonate so deep for this work as well "you held me down but I got up, get ready cuz I've had enough, I've seen it all, I've seen it now, I've got the eye of the tiger, higher dancing through the fire cuz I am a champion and you're gonna hear me roar" – @katyperry ?✨

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Most importantly for Scarlett, she has been able use her voice to breathe volume into her ongoing humanitarian projects. Scarlett is also an ambassador, activist, and social media manager for the anti-human trafficking organization Beauty for Freedom, with whom she embarked on a mission to Kolkata to donate instruments and teach music to survivors of human trafficking, in a mission to provide a channel to transmute their experiences. She is currently in Greece on her mission to apply the same formula to support refugees of war through music at Elpida Home . When she is having a break from getting pitted in Uluwatu on top of her Chilli Surfboard, she is helping to build communities and raise awareness with the surf collective she co-founded, Bali Surf Angels, to make the world a better place through active, socially conscious projects.

Her mission is to support survivors of human trafficking and their children continues with Beauty for Freedom and New Light Kolkata continues here in India. These are my guitar students at Soma Girls Home, some of the little ones, and the gifts of instruments that I was overjoyed to present to the girls. Thank you to all the donors to this cause who made this happen. They are SO stoked, and these instruments have made it possible for them to express and TRANSMUTE <3

4000 Rupees is what a girl costs on the market. That’s the equivalent of sixty US dollars. New Light sees that the lives of these girls are valued by taking them away from the red light district and giving them a place to sleep, a support system of structure and love, sending them to school, and breaking the cycle that so many children get caught up in in that world. Humbled and honoured to have spent time in this beautiful little hope machine teaching music to these shining stars.

If you’d like to donate or spread the word, please visit to learn more about her mission to support survivors of trafficking through art and music.

Check out her website:

Catch her at Burning Man