Philadelphia Latino Film Festival( June 19-21, 2015)

The Philadelphia Latino Film Festival will be held on June 19-21st. This event will recognize the individuals that have put in time and effort in the film industry, which have contributed making a great film. The LOLA Awards competition was established to intertwine the originality and creative aspects of Latin American and Latin Filmmakers working in the Unites States or abroad. The winner will be announced on the closing day of the event. (June, 21st)

For those who do not know much about the history of the PHALFF, here is why this festival is so important to the Latino culture, as well as the community if Philadelphia. The festival was founded in 2012 by David Acosta and Beatriz Vieira. Every year the festival includes film screenings, which could build a lot of individuals’ knowledge on different types of films, as well as an invite to network. PHALFF has a mission to combine education, knowledge, and developed emerging Latin American, as well filmmakers together.

This year festivals will include two panel discussions, which will show the attendance how to create your path in the industry, as well as networking. Also there will be three films that will be featured at this event. This event is centered around the combination of talent and experience within the Latin community.

Do not miss out on the opportunity to learn something new or creative with this event.

For more information about the schedule and tickets, visit, follow us on Twitter at @PHLatinFilmFest, on Instagram at @PhLatinFilmFestival, connect with the festival using the Hashtag #PHLAFF2015
