Inspiration starts from an experience or an event that has changed the way you view life and you adapt to it by bringing a positive message for others to enjoy. Phoenix White has inspired many people with her experiences and the obstacles that she had to overcome to become a successful individual. Life for Phoenix has been a roller coaster, but she had survived the pain and obstacles that tried to break her.

Phoenix had begun her motivational speeches when she was young and brought a positive light to people around the world. “Motivation for me has helped me along the way. I had to convey my message, so that everybody can understand and relate to certain situations I have been through.”

Phoenix has even wrote a book called Redefining Strong. She was inspired by a young lady that was walking in the water and seemed free in spirit, Phoenix had took the idea of letting go the hurt and pain from past experiences and molded it into a positive texture to give to her audience. The book is about staying positive even when you have obstacles in front of you.

One of the trials that Phoenix had to go through was brain surgery. “At first I was really scared, but over time I felt like if it was my time to go than it was my time to go, but when I was going into surgery I was not scared at all. I was at peace and did not fear what was about to happen.”

“God had gave me a calling and I am using that to guide and encourage everybody. Life is very precious, so do not take it for granted.”

Outside of her book Phoenix has been a contestant on the reality show called A Match Made in Heaven. “It was a great experience for me. It was something that was very different for me and even though I was not picked I had enjoyed my time there.”

Phoenix has been constantly promoting her book and has announced that in the upcoming months she was going to do a book tour. The tour will be in big states such as LA, NY, GA, and other states, so stay tuned.

Inspiration is something the world needs and Phoenix has been soaring with inspiring others to go out there a be a positive light and encourage others to make it happen. For the past seven years; Phoenix has served as an ambassador for Children Youth and Family Collaborative.

CYFC LA is an organization that services over 10,000 foster and kinship youth. They work closely with several organizations across the country such as Habitat for Humanity, Toys for Tots, Saint Bernard Foundation, United Way and many others as a Philanthropist and Intuitive Life Coach.iam-rs-campaign

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